Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Shokrola Amiri

Team Project

Year two - Team Project - Scrum - Agile - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Bootstrap - Python - MongoDB

Project Image

Project Overview

Our project involves creating a restaurant management system using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python, MongoDB, and more. It includes key components:

"Ring Us" Button Timer:

Prevents customer spamming by implementing a timer for the "Ring Us" button. Uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with local storage for state tracking.

Interactive Menu with Bootstrap:

Enhances the website with an interactive menu using Bootstrap. Improves user experience with smooth transitions and categorized cuisine options.

Responsive Image Slider with Owl Carousel:

Upgrades the homepage with a responsive image slider using Owl Carousel. Adds smooth scrolling and parallax effects for a responsive layout.

Scrum and Team Collaboration

Our team of nine members used the Scrum framework to develop the restaurant management system. Each member had a specific role, contributing to various aspects of the project. Daily Discord meetings facilitated progress discussions, while biweekly Scrum meetings with the product owner ensured alignment with project goals.

Challenges and Adaptation:

We encountered challenges in learning various technologies such as Python, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Despite these challenges, we successfully completed the project and addressed mobile compatibility concerns to create a fully mobile-friendly website.

Importance of Scrum:

Scrum enhanced project efficiency, productivity, and overall success. Professional communication and adherence to norms of conduct were maintained throughout the project. Scrum aided decision-making, and the team provided a prototype that closely resembled the final product.

Prioritizing Robust Code:

Our team prioritized robust code by implementing error handling, anticipating issues, designing fallback mechanisms, and rigorous testing. The "ring us" button's successful integration exemplified our commitment to code quality and a seamless user experience.

Collaboration and Modularity:

Effective collaboration and a focus on modularity and maintainability made the system easier to update, scale, and troubleshoot, providing long-term value for future enhancements.


Our project highlights the importance of robust code in software development, and the Scrum framework and collaboration led to the creation of a stable, user-friendly restaurant management system that enhances the dining experience.

Tools Used
